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    Your Phone Number (required)

    Best Time to Call

    Zip Codes/Neighborhoods Most Interested In (required)

    Square Footage (required)

    Number of Bedrooms (required)

    Number of Baths (required)

    Price Range (required)

    Property Condition (required)
    Pretty HouseMinimal Cosmetic Work OkayUgly House OkayREALLY Ugly House OkayI'll Buy Anything

    How many properties do you buy per year? (required)

    How quickly can you close? (required)

    How are you planning to fund these deals? (required)

    What is the minimum Gross Profit Margin%, cash flow amount, etc. you expect per deal? (required)

    Do you have any questions or other information you would like to share with us that you think would helpful for us to find you the perfect property?

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